Monday, March 1, 2010

new workout diet

is it wrong to eat a pork chop, 2 eggs, hash browns and a biscuit after you work out? had a lovely pilates workout at castle hill fitness on saturday, but we couldn't resist going down the street to the Counter Cafe on lamar. i must confess that i finished every bit of it. so far, i have had some great meals there. you have to time it just right due to the limited amount of space in this cute diner. it is fun to sit at the counter and watch them cook up a storm. their burger was even listed in Texas Monthly as one of the top 50 best burgers in texas. good burger, but too much bread for me. i like for the burger and bun to match up, personally. sandy's, p. terry's, hat creek and mighty fine are my favs right now. probably more to do with my obsession with french fries, but still good burgers.

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